
We believe that there is one God (Deut 6:4 & 1 Cor 8:6). He is the creator of all things and He sustains everything according to His Will and power (Gen 1:1, Col 1:16). He is Holy, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent (Isa 6:3, Ps 139). He has made Himself known in His creation and also by His Word found in the Holy Scriptures (Rom 1, 2 Tim 3:16). God is the judge of all the earth and is worthy of all praise, honour and glory.

We believe in the Holy Trinity. God is one, in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. None creating the other, but all eternal.

The Bible (Scriptures)

We believe that the Bible is made up of the Old and New Testaments. It is comprised of 66 books and compiled into one Holy Bible. It is the sufficient Word of God that is the rule of faith and life for all people. It was written down by chosen men whom God moved in so that what was written came out as the exact Word God intended it to be. Paul puts it this way in 2 Tim 3:16, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuke, for correction and for training in righteousness”. Because God is the author of the Scriptures, it is both inerrant (containing no errors) and infallible (incapable of errors). 

Creation and the Fall

We believe that God created the world in six days and on the seventh day, He rested (Genesis 1-2).

He created everything good (Gen 1:31). Sadly, when Adam and Eve, the first people God created, disobeyed Him and ate from the forbidden tree, sin and corruption entered the world (Gen 3). All people who have come after Adam are not just guilty of sinning, but they are by nature sinners, and because of this are at enmity with God (Ps 14, 53:1-3, Rom 3:23, 5:10, James 4:4). Therefore, because God is a righteous and just God, He must punish sin (Isa 13:11, Matt 25:46, 2 Thess 1:9). Sin is anything that goes against God’s design for His creation. God revealed sin to His people by giving them the Ten Commandments which exposes just how much the world has turned away from God.


Thankfully, God, in His loving providence and plan for His creation, preordained Jesus Christ to come in the flesh (Gen 3:15, Mal 3, Matt 2, Luke 1, Phil 2:5-11). Jesus is the one and only Son of God (Mk 1). He was sent into the world and was born of the virgin Mary. It was God’s plan that Jesus would come into the world to redeem His people by doing for them what they could never do themselves.

Throughout Jesus’ life, He was totally obedient to His Father, even obedient to the point of death (Matthew 27, Mk 15, Phil 2:8). As Jesus was hanging upon the Roman cross, He was at that time bearing upon Himself all the sins that His people had ever committed or would commit against God. Therefore, at that point, Jesus was so covered in His people’s sins that His Father turned away from Him and crushed Him for His people’s sins (Isa 53). 

Death could not hold Jesus and He rose again on the third day and showed Himself to His disciples and friends, and then to more than 500 others (Matthew 28, Mk 16, Lk 24, John 20, 1 Cor 15). Once He ascended back into heaven, He sat down at the right hand of His Father and is waiting for the time when He will come again. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to come in His place, who will dwell in His chosen people. The Spirit of God will work in the lives of His believers to shape them more into the likeness of Jesus Christ as they await His return (Eph 1:13-14). When Jesus returns, He will not come as the suffering servant as we read about in the Gospels, rather He will come as the Judge of all the earth (2 Thess 1:5-12).

Only those who have their trust and faith in Jesus Christ will be saved (Lk 23:42, Rom 10:9 & 13,1 Tim 1:15). Only those who trust in His perfect obedience, His good works, death on the cross to take the punishment of God and only those who call Him their Lord and Saviour will be saved. It is because of the good news of the Gospel we join together to worship God for the blessings He has given us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Doctrines of Grace  

The doctrines of grace come from these five major headings of theology, often identified as the five points of biblical Calvinism. They encompass the clearest example of the saving grace of God. Each of these five doctrines—radical depravity, sovereign election, definite atonement, irresistible call, and preserving grace—supremely display the sovereign grace of God. These five headings stand together as one comprehensive statement of the saving purposes of God.

The Five Solas that Came Out of the Protestant Reformation

Sola Scriptura – The Bible is the sole written divine revelation, and alone can bind the conscience of believers absolutely.

Sola Fide – Justification is by faith alone. The merit of Christ, imputed to us by faith, is the sole ground of our acceptance by God, by which our sins are settled and imputed to Christ.

Solus Christus – Jesus Christ is the only mediator through whose work we are redeemed.

Sola Gratia – Our salvation rests exclusively on the work of God’s grace.

Soli Deo Gloria – To the Glory of God.